Beliefs & trends: The living fairytale. A grand fable of ambition, lies and greed. The matron plays the family like little marionette's upon her gore-stained stage; surrender and live, listen and thrive. Fear courses through their veins from the ice of her stare, the hard gaze settling into their very soul. Yet, they stay, their loyalty unfathomable to a woman so cruel. She who must be obeyed.
Known Members:
Valifyr Areon. Father of the newborn. King of the Forest. 4 years old. - Claimed by Tempest
Herne. Father of the yearlings. Gaean hermit. 6 years old. - Claimed by Tressan
Kriemhild Willowfrost. Mother. Dark matron. 3 years old. - Claimed by Jahi
Fleur Willowfrost. Daughter. Thorn princess. 1 year old. - Claimed by Plymouth
Unknown Willowfrost. Son. Forest prince. 1 year old.
Unknown Willowfrost. Daughter. Little damsel. Unborn. - Claimed by Kat
Unknown Willowfrost. Mothers sibling. Spirit of envy. 3 years old.
Beliefs & trends: Sparta incarnate. They work on equal footing to ensure the family's survival and do what they feel is in the family's best interest. They are a symbol of unity and strength, a collection of names that aspire to better themselves for the sake of survival. Strength and power are equally treasured in a home where weakness is the thin thread between life and death.
Known Members:
Siberna Spirre. Father. King of the mountain. 4 years old. - Claimed by Lash
Unknown Emmon. Mother. Kindred heart. 4 years old.
Unknown Emmon. Son. Fathers strength. 1 year old.
Unknown Emmon. Daughter. Mothers beauty. 1 year old.
Unknown Emmon. Mothers sibling. Amazonian queen. 3 years old.
Unknown Emmon. Aunt's child. Battle princess. Newborn.
Unknown Spirre. Fathers sibling. Ambitious wit. 4 years old.
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[b]Desired Character:[/b]
[b]Character's Name:[/b]
[b]Character's Personality:[/b]
[b]Role-play Sample:[/b]